Channel: Books – Page 99 – Far East Cynic
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Well that was interesting.


This statement on the budget by Secretary Gates.

I’ve only had a chance to quickly peruse it-but I think he’s made some of the right calls on first glance.

F-22 -How many yachts are enought Gordon?

DDG-1000? Right call there.

VH-71? Did it to itself.

Missile defense? No comment for a whole bunch of reasons. It looks though like the program dodged a much bigger cut though.

Ordering the Navy and Air Force to stop end strength cuts-Two thumbs way up.

C-17? Mixed feelings on that.  He’s probably right-IF the USAF would change its stupid rules. And stop charging the other services for airlift.

FCS? Don’t know enough about it.

More Arleigh Burkes-two thumbs way up for that.

More UAV’s-definitely needed.

Of course the problem will be the whining from the military industrial complex-you remember, that thing Eisenhower warned us about but we did not listen.

Let the whining begin.

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