This weekend is a stay at home weekend. Work has been busy and the S.O. and I are looking forward to going someplace over Memorial Day. In the interim, I’m taking the opportunity to remember how good last weekend was.
Now lest you ask me the question, ” So how was the camping?”, it is important to remember that the S.O. and tent camping are like matter and anti-matter-two items that when brought together bring about destructive results. Accordingly, we stayed in the lodge at the park-which is really nice and has the added attraction of most rooms having a view like this:
We spent some time just watching the sun set. The lake also looked pretty good in the morning too:
On Saturday morning we got up with the full intention of trying to get golf in before the rain was going to start in the afternoon. Problem was that the State Park course was closed for renovation. Damn.
Undeterred, I decided this was my opportunity to go check out this place. Its about 10 miles north of Guntersville-but its a really nice golf course. I’ve been really wanting to play it-but the S.O. was not keen on its hills or abundant water hazards. But we wanted to get some golf in-and I sweetened the deal by offering to take her to an antique store on the way back.
On arrival we learned that they had a tournament scheduled at one-but we could play nine if we were willing to go off at 9:30. Driving range balls are included in the greens fee ( which I still considered pricey)-so we said, ” Sure we’ll try it. Rain is supposed to come this afternoon anyway”.
” Yea we know-we are hoping it will pass quickly though”.
Soon we were off on the course. Considering I had not played too much this spring, and the course is challenging, I was happy to get the score I did. They had paired us up with a retired guy who explained why the State Park course was closed.
” Seems the old greens keeper new a lot about growing grass, but he knew nothing about golf. He rounded all the greens into hills so they had good drainage. People were sick of the fact that it was hard to putt on. So the new manager convinced them to spend the money to fix it up right. Brought in a pro too.”
Well, that gives us an excuse to come back.
After golf was over we decided to drive to Bucks Pocket-which is actually home to another state park. Which appeared to be a mecca for rock climbers and bow hunters.
They also had an overlook-but you really could not see much from it except a wooded valley and more rocks.
The overlook though, came with helpful suggestions-spray painted on by some wag:
So we had that going for us.
So we left and drove back to the park. That’s how we discovered the Bass Fishing tournament had arrived:
They did have lots of exhibits set up:
We did not stick around to watch the boats come back. I was more interested in watching this:
It’s a good park.